LAN Party


LAN Party is a brand new esports platform for gamers, organisers and spectators. It brings a new experience to watching esport games and following favourite teams over the season. With a focus on a clean interface and responsive design, LAN Party hopes to provide for newcomers and veterans alike.

Responsive Design

LAN Party is a concept project focusing on creating a responsive web application for every possible screen size. It was essential to learning adapting designs to various different sizes and shapes. The primary objective was to design a user-friendly platform that caters to gamers, organizers, and spectators alike, providing seamless access to tournament information, registration, news, and community engagement features across various devices and screen sizes.

The core of the project revolved around implementing a responsive design approach, ensuring that LAN Party functions flawlessly across desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. The layout and content adapt dynamically to different screen sizes, optimizing the user experience for all users. A key aspect of this was the layout and portrayal of different tournament formats and brackets. It was key to make the information of the tournament as easily readable. From different brackets, group stages, play-offs and show matches, the focus was always clarity and legibility.

Front-end responsive design

Design is not where my role stopped. I also designed and implemented the landing page from LAN Party. Again, with a focus of responsive design, making sure it adapted across various screens was pivotal to my role. Leveraging HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I crafted fluid layouts and media queries to accommodate different screen resolutions and orientations. I utilized version control systems like Git to manage codebase changes and collaborate effectively with team members. By adhering to version control best practices and participating in regular code reviews, I facilitated seamless collaboration and ensured code quality and consistency.

View the code base here


User Research and Information Architecture

